
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 in quick review.

2016 was the start of this blog.  I had a vision for it that I haven't been able to crystallize.  It started about being all things Catholic, but I have a far more complicated life, or so it seems anyway.

So I have been working on evolving the idea, as well as a lot of many other personal goals.

2016 was a year I grew spiritually, but it still is a struggle.

I admire people who live and breathe their spirituality, their religion, their beliefs.  But it seems like no matter how hard I try, it just doesn't come naturally to me anymore.

There was a time I genuinely felt God's presence within me and around me.  Perhaps this is what Jesus and St. Therese the little flower mean when they say that the Kingdom of God belongs to little children.

But now there's a certain spiritual dryness.  I don't know if suddenly I'm "too grown" and unable to trust God so completely, as I used to.

There's more to this idea, but for now,  I hope you get the drift.

2016 was a year in which I made no resolutions, because I hardly ever keep to them.  But I think I learned a few things, meet new people, solidified friendship with a few others, and grew personally and as a couple with my boyfriend.

Right now, however, I am in a transition phase and I'm riding it as much as I healthily can.  2016 is ending in transition, and I'm hoping things will settle in 2017.

So, here's to a 2017 full of beauty and stability, health and prosperity.  And to resolutions we can follow. 😊

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